Showing 649–660 of 681 results

  • 1 lb Rose Quartz tumbled stones


    Rose Quartz is a gentle and warm stone that is of great use in love spells. Rose Quartz is like a bubble bath for your emotions. Many wonderful healing properties in this Quartz, including, love, forgiveness, phobias, fears, unconditional love, and guilt. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. Current batch is…

  • 1 lb Rutile tumbled stones


    Rutile Quartz is an illuminator of the soul that will assist with spiritual growth, cleanses and energizes the aura, draws away negative energy, disease, and letting go of the past. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. From Brazil.

  • 1 lb Scolecite tumbled stones


    Scolecite enhances the heart chakra energies, opening the door to more spontaneous expressions of love. Exchanged between lovers, scolecite creates a heart-to-heart connection. Scolecite also promotes inner peace and deep relaxation. It is an excellent aid to meditation relating to the Third Eye and inner knowledge. From India.

  • 1 lb Serpentine tumbled stones


    Serpentine makes an exceptional meditation stone as it enhances your spiritual exploration. It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine may help calm and stabilize the mind, wisdom retrieval, memory of past lives, clearing all chakras, anxiety, fears, open up psychic abilities, and will help calm a restless mind. It is an earthing stone which…

  • 1 lb Shiva Lingam tumbled stones


    Shiva Lingam tumbles stones, this powerful stone possesses a wonderfully positive vibration and energy that brings a state of purification and cleansing to those who use it. Shiva works to intensify vitality and prana through the body. Overall improves health and assist with unification of the masculine and feminine energies as one. 1lb sold by…

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  • 1 lb Shungite tumbled stones


    Shungite is said to be the “miracle stone” or “the stone of life”, known for its incredible healing and protection properties, boost immune system, balancing mind and emotions, and activates the healing process within the body. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. From Russia.

  • 1 lb Smoky Quartz tumbled stones


    Appearing as though smoke were captured in stone, Smokey Quartz is a beautiful crystal that offers a wonderful calming energy to those who need it. Smokey Quartz focuses on cleaning the human consciousness, detoxifying, fear, depression, negativity, and will bring calm. From Brazil.

  • 1 lb Snow Flake Obsidian tumbled stones


    Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Snowflake Obsidian brings peace of mind and helps the stomach, sinuses, veins, bones and eyesight. Great for meditation, behavior problems, loniness, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbes negative energy. Sold by approximate weight – not…

  • 1 lb Sodalite tumbled stones


    Sometimes mistaken for Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite is deep blue with beautiful veins that appear like captured lightning. Sodalite helps with high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, autism, good for ideas, endurance, communication, stabilizes emotions, clarifies perception and is great for meditation. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. From Brazil.

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  • 1 lb Stromatolite (Brown Onyx) tumbled stones


    One of the oldest fossils in the world, Stromatolite, also know as Sourrite, can help in relieving physical and emotional stress, helping to understand life lessons. Can also aid in patience, strength, helping you overcome challenges, understand and see solutions, be steadfast and persistence, connect to the essence of life, having resilience and versatility. A…

  • 1 lb Sulfur Quartz tumbled stones


    Sulphur Quartz is a powerful tool when dealing with emotions and holds resonates with the Solar Plexus. May assist you with breaking old habit, while opening you up to the right path towards change. Allow this wonderful healing tool to clear your energy of all negativity. Sold by weight only with about 38 small to…

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  • 1 lb Super 7 tumbled stones


    Super 7 consists of seven different powerful stones found together, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrocite, rutile’s . Many great benefits packed into these stones. consist of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile’s. This is a 1lb bag sold by weight only. From China with mostly medium to large pieces.